Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"Mr. Expert"

Today I heard something that made my heart drop. Actually, it was wasn’t said. CNN in was blaring in my headphones as I was jogging on a treadmill, and an “expert” in youth education came on discussing why high-school dropout rates are increasing at an alarming rate. The basis on the discussion was if these dropout rates could be decreased, then more youth would enter the work place, adding more growth to the economy. If the adult motivation to help make sure children finish school is so they can contribute the economy, then I would like to say we have a problem. But that wasn’t what really bothered me the most. “What can be done to reduce high-school drop outs?” That was the question posed in the interview. “More support.” That was the experts answer. He went on to name mentors, teachers, after-school programs, anything and everything, all except one word….parents. This expert tipped toed around the word “parents” like it was an evil curse. Nothing was said about family. Nothing was said about how it’s the responsibility of parents to raise their children. Nothing.

Our economy is breaking down, and economists are starting point at the incredible drop of youth entering the workplace. So who’s the blame? School’s get a bad rap. “We need more funding.” “Where are all the mentors? Where’s the money for more after school programs?” Avoidance of the family structure being THE crucial factor in children growing up and succeeding in our society made my heart drop. I was on mile 3 jogging, and this time the usual drone of noise in my headphones was clear as day to me. I heard the educational expert’s words. But I heard these words for what they are…nothing more than a soggy band-aid attempting to cover up the gaping wounds inflicted by the breakdown of marriage and family, the disconnection of love and legacy, the feeble attempt to fix the problem without dealing with the cause. Real love must return to our land. People fall in love. They create life. They protect life. And they live for another generation. Oh, and Mr. Expert, maybe then our economy will recover…


Jim said...
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Jim said...

Nathan deep thoughts! I am glad you are putting them in this form.